Switch to Hugo Apéro: These are my notes

By A. Solomon Kurz

December 19, 2022


Once again, it was time to update my website. This time I am switching to the Hugo Apéro (a-pay-ROH) theme, by the great Alison Hill. The purpose of this post is to highlight some of the steps I took to rebuild my website. At a minimum, I’m hoping this post will help me better understand how to set up my website the next time it needs an overhaul. Perhaps it will be of some help to you, too.


In this post, I’m assuming you are familiar

I will provide some resources for these, but this really isn’t an introductory blog post.




For an exhaustive introduction to blogdown, you have the ebook by Xie, Hill, and Thomas ( 2017), blogdown: Creating websites with R markdown.


If you’re new to GitHub, let the great Jenny Bryan lead you, here ( Bryan et al., 2020).


I’m not sure where to go for the best introduction to Netlify, but one place to start might be here. At some point, you’ll need to go to https://www.netlify.com/.


My first few steps are the same as they were in my original post from a year and a half ago.

Step 1. GitHub.

Log on to your GitHub account and start a fresh repo. See here.

Step 2. RStudio projects.

Make a fresh RStudio project to go along with your fresh GitHub repo. For more, see here.

Hugo Apéro mini launch

Step 3. Make a default hugo-apero site.

If you haven’t already, install the current version of blogdown by executing install.packages("blogdown"). Restart R, if necessary. Now within a fresh session within your RStudio project, execute the following:


new_site(theme = "hugo-apero/hugo-apero", 
         format = "toml",
         sample = FALSE,
         empty_dirs = TRUE)

Over the next minute or two, you’ll see a handful of new files pop up in your project root folder. In your console, you’ll probably notice the prompt: “Want to serve and preview the site now? (y/n)”. I recommend executing y, which will return a preview of your default hugo-apero website in the RStudio Viewer panel.

Step 4. .gitignore.

I don’t know that you have to do this right now, but a good early step is to make a .gitignore file. Following Hill ( here), you can do this by executing file.edit(".gitignore"). Then go ahead and enter this content to the file:


Once you save the changes, you might execute blogdown::check_gitignore() to confirm you’re okay.

If you haven’t done so, yet, this would be a good time to commit your changes and push them to GitHub. Again, if this is new to you, let Bryan et al. ( 2020) lead you.


Step 5. Sign up and deploy.

Hill has recommended you both build and host your blogdown website on Neflify (see here). I’m not going to argue. Go to https://www.netlify.com/ and either log in or sign up using your GitHub account. Even if you already have a Netlify account, I recommend making a new Netlify site with New site from Git > Continuous Deployment: GitHub. You’ll then need to select your fresh GitHub repo, from above, to connect it to Netlify. This may require you to follow the prompts to actually navigate to GitHub, enable the connection, there, and then follow back to Netlify. Once you’re back in Netlify, leave settings at their defaults and select Deploy Site. You should be directed to a page with a header called Production deploys somewhere in the middle of the screen. After a minute of two, Netlify will finish deploying your site.

Step 6. Customize your Netlify subdomain.

When you create your new site, Netlify will have automatically generated a subdomain name following the form random-word-12345. You should be able to see this at the top of your screen. This subdomain name will be part of your web address. You’re at liberty to keep the default name, if you want. But you can customize your subdomain name by navigating to Site settings > General > Site details. Then click the gray button named Change site name. In the field, I renamed my subdomain to solomonkurz. As a result, my website is deployed at https://solomonkurz.netlify.app/. Once you save this change, your website should be available at your customized address almost instantly.

Start customizing

Step 7. config.toml.

You should see a config.toml file in the root directory of your RStudio project folder. Hill gave a nice overview of this file here. Here we’ll walk through the bulk of my changes.

Step 7a. Info at the top.

Here’s what I changed in the top section:

baseURL = "https://luxury-alfajores-ec0741.netlify.app/"
# baseURL = 'https://solomonkurz.netlify.app/'
title = "A. Solomon Kurz" # Website name, which lives as meta data
author = "A. Solomon Kurz"
copyright = "© A. Solomon Kurz (2022)" # set to override the auto generated copyright using org info and now year

Step 7b. [params].

The first parameters in this section now read:

  orgName = "A. Solomon Kurz"
  orgLocal = ""  # to make it blank
  description = "Clinical psychology researcher"

The favicon parameter controls the little icon at the tab at the top of your browser. The default is saved as favicon.ico, which is found in the /themes/hugo-apero/static/img subfolder. I converted a personal head shot into a .ico file, and saved that file in that subfolder as avatar.ico. I then updated the line in the config.toml file like so:

  favicon = "/img/avatar.ico"  # default was "/img/favicon.ico"

So now when you go to my website, you’ll see my face in your browser tab.

The logo parameter controls the little logo you see at the upper left corner of the page, which leads back to the home page when clicked. The default is terrible and I don’t really have a personal logo, so I just put my little head shot pic in there, too.

  logo = "/img/avatar.ico" # defualt was "/img/blogophonic-mark-dark.png"

The mainSections parameter controls which sections are highlighted in your About page. I did change mine, but it won’t make sense to talk about those changes at this point. So if you’re following along chronologically, I recommend leaving that parameter alone for now. I changed mine to highlight my blogs and workshops.

The sharing_image parameter controls the image included when someone shares your Home page on social media. I have a higher-resolution head shot saved as a .jpg file, which I’ve also named avatar.jpg and saved into the img subfolder. Now there was already a default avatar.jpg image in that folder that came along for the ride when we executed new_site(theme = "hugo-apero/hugo-apero", ...) above. So when I saved my head shot as avatar.jpg, it overwrote the default file. For me, that was a good thing, and I suspect this is what you’ll want to do, too. We’ll bring this up later.

  sharing_image = "/img/avatar.jpg" # default was "/img/papillons.jpg"

If you’re on Twitter, update your handle.

  twitter = "SolomonKurz"  # default was "apreshill"

The theme parameter controls the overall color palette in the site. Hill documented it here. hugo-apero comes with several default options and I opted for grayscale, which seems to play the best with my blog posts.

  theme = "grayscale"  # default was "sky"

I’m not fully in love with the palette and I might opt for a custom palette sometime in the future.

The customtextFontFamily and customheadingFontFamily parameters control the fonts on your site. There are several built-in options to choose from and you can even import your own. I left customtextFontFamily as the default and made a change to customheadingFontFamily.

  customheadingFontFamily = "Bitter"  # default was "Fraunces"

The parameters in the [params.utterances] section controls how people can comment on your content, such as on your blog posts. At a minimum, you’ll want to update the repo_name parameter to match your GitHub.

    repo_name = "ASKurz/blogdown"  # default was "apreshill/apero"

The various [[params.social]] sections below contain the infomraiton for your social media icons/hyperlinks. Here are my changes:

      icon      = "twitter" # icon name without the 'fa-'
      icon_pack = "fab"
      url       = "https://twitter.com/SolomonKurz"
      icon      = "google-scholar" # icon name without the 'fa-'
      icon_pack = "ai"
      url       = "https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=P8JWywQAAAAJ&hl"
      icon      = "osf" # icon name without the 'fa-'
      icon_pack = "ai"
      url       = "https://osf.io/2t7j2/"
      icon      = "github" # icon name without the 'fa-'
      icon_pack = "fab"
      url       = "https://github.com/ASKurz"

Step 7c. [menu].

The [menu] section is divided into the [[menu.header]] blocks, which control the menu bar at the top of your website, and the [[menu.footer]] blocks, which control the links at the bottom of your page. Hill documented these sections here.

I’ll have more to say about the [[menu.header]] blocks further down. I wasn’t interested in any of the footer sections, so I commented them all out.

  # Configure footer  
#  [[menu.footer]]
#    name = "License"
#    title = "License"
#    url = "/license/"
#    weight = 1
#  [[menu.footer]]
#    name = "Contact"
#    title = "Contact form"
#    url = "/contact/"
#    weight = 2
#  [[menu.footer]]
#    name = "Contributors"
#    title = "Contributors"
#    url = "/contributors/"
#    weight = 3

Step 7d. Save and check_config().

After you’re satisfied playing around with these settings, con ahead and save your config.toml file. Then to make sure nothing has gone catastrophically wrong, execute this:


If you pass all your checks, this might be a good time to commit your files and push to GitHub.

Step 8. netlify.toml.

Next, check for a netlify.toml file in your root directory. You can also open or create it by executing blogdown::config_netlify(). Once the file’s open, make sure Hugo is installed and matched up by executing blogdown::check_hugo(). Mine was all good. However, I did get the following on my to-do list: ● [TODO] Set options(blogdown.hugo.version = "0.107.0") in .Rprofile and restart R.. We’ll cover that next.

Step 9. .Rprofile.

Hill covered how to change an .Rprofile file here. If all went well, you should have that file in your root directory. If not, you can make an .Rprofile file by executing blogdown::config_Rprofile(). Then customize some of the settings within options(), as desired. Taking cues from Hill, mine now read:

  # to automatically serve the site on RStudio startup, set this option to TRUE
  blogdown.serve_site.startup = FALSE,
  # to disable knitting Rmd files on save, set this option to FALSE
  blogdown.knit.on_save = TRUE,
  # build .Rmd to .html (via Pandoc); to build to Markdown, set this option to 'markdown'
  blogdown.method = 'markdown',
  # fix Hugo version
  blogdown.hugo.version = "0.107.0",
  # These changes are based on Alison Hill's posts:
  # https://alison.rbind.io/post/2019-02-21-hugo-page-bundles/#project-specific-rprofile
  # and 
  # https://alison.rbind.io/post/new-year-new-blogdown/#step-4-create-content
  blogdown.author = "A. Solomon Kurz",
  blogdown.ext = ".Rmd",
  blogdown.subdir = "post"

In her post, Hill stressed it’s important to restart your RStudio session after you save any changes to .Rprofile. If you haven’t done so, in a while, this is probably a good time to commit and push your files to GitHub.

Revamp content

With Hill’s Hugo Apéro framework, the bulk of your public-facing content will live in the content/ folder. This is a big section, so we’ll break it down into smaller bites.

Step 10. Home and the top-level _index.md file.

The _index.md file at the top of the content/ folder controls the content on your homepage. At a minimum, you’ll want to customize parameters like title, subtitle, and the description. Note the action_label and action_link settings control the little “read more” arrow link that directs viewers to your About page. I left those at their defaults. The only other noteworthy change was I changed the images setting like so:

- img/Solomon_BW_2012.jpeg

To make this work, I had previously saved a picture of myself called Solomon_BW_2012.jpeg in the same /themes/hugo-apero/static/img subfolder from above. I found that to match the layout settings in Apéro, it was important to find a large, wide rectangular picture this. Otherwise the empty space looked off.

I also set text_align_left: true to switch the alignment in the text.

Step 11. About.

The content/about/ subfolder contains the building blocks for your About section. You’ll want to do a lot of personalizing, here.

The top-level _index.md file mainly contains meta data for when someone were to share a link to your About page. Here I only personalized the description and title parameters and left everything else alone.

The content/about/header subfolder controls the header section. In the index.md file, I simply customized the headline parameter and personalized the prose below the <!-- this is a subheadline --> line.

The content/about/main subfolder controls the section below the header. In the index.md file, I simply personalized the title and intro parameters. In addition, I set number_featured: 2 to pull 2 links from my main sections (see mainSections in the config.toml file), and I set number_categories: 0 to disable the featured categories option. As I wasn’t interested in the outro feature, I set show_outro: false and deleted the content in the outro parameter.

The content/about/sidebar subfolder controls settings for the sidebar. In the index.md file, I personalized the author and role parameters. To remove their content, I set both audio_link_label and link_list_label to blank. I also commented out the link_list content. Setting avatar_shape: circle will show your avatar pic as a circle, which worked best with my pic. Speaking of which, the avatar.jpg that comes in this subfolder is the pic that will appear at the top of the sidebar. I replaced the default file with the same head show I’d already saved as avatar.jpg in the /themes/hugo-apero/static/img subfolder.

Step 12. Blog.

The content/blog/ subfolder contains the building blocks for your blog posts. I gave the top-level _index.md file all the typical personalized touches, such a inserting my name in the author parameter and so on. After playing around with the options a bit, I decided to set layout: list-grid to display my blog posts in a nice grid layout, which I’ll say more about in a bit.

I had a lot of blog posts from the previous version of my website. Their file structure was already based on Hugo Page Bundles, and Hill detailed here. I did make several changes, though:

First, I followed Hill’s recommendation (I can’t remember from where) to base my blog posts on the actual markdown files, rather than HTML files. In part, this meant that within the .Rprofile file, I changes from blogdown.method = 'html' to blogdown.method = 'markdown', which I already displayed above. This also meant deleting all .html files from my blog subfolders.

Second, my blogs tend to be heavy on R code and the syntax from R’s various packages tends to change from time to time. So I took the opportunity to rerun the code in all my blog posts to catch and fix any code breaks. Most of the time, the changes were subtle and not worth drawing attention to. In other cases, I specifically mentioned the blog post had been edited at the top of the file.

Third, I added featured images. The Hugo Apéro framework makes it easy to give each blog post its own featured image, which is something my blogs didn’t have before. Within each blog’s subfolder, just save the desired image in a .jpg with the word featured somewhere in the name. Since my blogs tend to have lots of ggplot2-based figures, I usually added a final code block at the end of the blog where I reproduced one of those figures and saved the image with ggsave(). In a typical file, that code block looked something like this:

Since this code wasn’t something I wanted to highlight in the blog post itself, I would always include eval = F, echo = F in the code chunk options.

Also, back in the config.toml file, I set paginate = 9 so you could see 9 blogs at a time in my grid-like layout. The default was paginate = 5.

Step 13. Big delete.

Several of the default folders and .md files didn’t serve my purposes. After some experimentation, I concluded it was save to delete them. So I deleted the following:

  • the content/collection/ subfolder
  • the contributors.md file
  • the content/elements/ subfolder
  • the content/form/ subfolder
  • the license.md file

Step 14. Project to Pubs.

None of the things I currently do fit well under the heading of “Project,” as such. But I do like the overall format of this section and I copied and pasted the subfolder and renamed the copy as content/pub/. This will serve as a place to list my academic publications.

In the _index.md file of my awesome new content/pub/ subfolder, I personalized the typical parameters, like author, title, and so on. I changed the layout parameter from the default list-grid to list-sidebar to include a nice sidebar, and I then personalized the various sidebar settings, such as author and description. To make the picture at the top of the sidebar my own, I replaced the default sidebar-listing.jpg file in the subfolder with a cropped head shot.

As Hill explained here, it’s not trivial to make new folders within content which contain the layout settings as the default subfolders. To make sure my new content/pub/ subfolder used the same layout settings as content/project/, I had to add the following to its _index.md file:

type: project
  type: project
# blah
# blah ...
  type: project

As a first step to making new subfolders for my academic publications, I copied and pasted one of the default subfolders from content/project/ and renamed it Anderson et al (2022) after one of my recent publications. I started switching out the usual parameters, such as title and date, to match the information from the article. The tags parameter is where I listed the article’s key words. Using syntax similar to the index.md file in the default bakeoff subfolder within the content/project/ subfolder, I used the following to make the buttons with the nice icons and hyperlinks for my article’s PDF, DOI site, and supporting materials on the OSF:

  - icon: osf
    icon_pack: ai
    name: OSF
    url: https://osf.io/fhuqz/
  - icon: doi
    icon_pack: ai
    name: Publication
    url: https://doi.org/10.1177/13591053211072685  
  - icon: file-pdf
    icon_pack: fa
    name: PDF
    url: pdf/Anderson et al (2022) Exploring the longitudinal clustering of lifestyle behaviors, social determinants of health, and depression.pdf

Note for that first link to work for the PDF, I had to save the article’s PDF in a new pdf subfolder within the static subfolder. This is ultimately where I saved PDF copies of all my articles.

The old hugo-academic theme from the last version of my website had a nice support for a link to BibTeX-type citations. Sadly, it wasn’t clear how to replicate that functionality within the hugo-apero framework. My quick-and-dirty solution was to just include the BibTeX-type citation in a code block in the body of the index.md file, like so:

  title = {Exploring the longitudinal clustering of lifestyle behaviors, social determinants of health, and depression},
  author = {Austen R. Anderson and Adam P. McGuire and A. Solomon Kurz and Yvette Z. Szabo and Sheila B. Frankfurt},
  journal = {Journal of Health Psychology},
  year = 2022,
  volume = 27,
  issue = 13,
  page = 2922-2935,
  doi = {https://doi.org/10.1177/13591053211072685}

As far as the thumbnail pics go, I’m not going to make the effort to create a distinct image for each of my publications. The easy fix was to take a screenshot of the first page of each article’s PDF and save the image as featured-pdf.png within the relevant subfolder. It worked like a charm.

After my new content/pub/ subfolder was working well, removed the default content/project/ subfolder.

Step 15. Talk

Other than the occasional ‘this is the story of how I went to grad school’ type talk, I don’t give enough public lectures to justify a Talk section. However, I am starting to give workshops and the Talk section format seemed like a great fit for those. However, I want to call the section Workshops in the menu bar and I also want to use a content/workshop/ subfolder, rather than a content/talk/ subfolder, so my first step was to copy the entire content/talk/ subfolder and rename the copy as content/workshop/.

In the _index.md file of my new content/workshop/ subfolder, I personalized the typical parameters, like author and title. As I wasn’t interested in a sidebar for this section, I removed the default sidebar-listing.jpg file. To make sure my new content/workshop/ subfolder used the same layout settings as content/talk/, I added the following to the _index.md file:

type: talk
  type: talk

To make new subfolders for my academic publications, I copied and pasted one of the default subfolders from content/talk/ and renamed it intro_bayes_march_2023 for my upcoming workshop. I started switching out the usual parameters, such as title, subtitle and author. Note that this format allows for multi-day workshops by way of the date and date_end parameters. Since I wanted to include a custom pic for the featured.jpg file, I made a content/workshop/intro_bayes_march_2023/make featured subfolder, which contains a .Rmd file containing the code I used to make the featured.jpg file.

⚠️ If any of your talks/workshops are scheduled for a date in the future, make sure to look at the [Add buildFuture.][Add buildFuture.] section, below, before you commit and push to GitHub. Otherwise you’ll likely return an error.

After my new content/workshop/ subfolder was working well, removed the default content/talk/ subfolder.

Step 16. Books, Courses, and Support.

A few of the sections of my website are just single pages with text, which doesn’t quite fit into the layout framework Hugo Apéro allows for blogs, projects, and talks. So for these, I just made three new subfolders within /content/, which were:

  • /book/,
  • /course/, and
  • /support/.

The content of each of these subfolders is just an indes.Rmd file, in which I saved my desired prose using simple Markdown. In the documentation site, these sections are called regular pages, and you can learn more about them here. The only other thing to mention is I found the layout looked best with these settings in the YAML at the top of the files:

layout: standard # standard or wide-body
show_title_as_headline: false

Step 17. Back to config.toml.

Now we’ve revamped the /content section, we’re ready to make additional changes to the config.toml file.

Step 17a. Add buildFuture.

The week-long workshop I wanted to include in my website was scheduled for a future date, and I listed the start and end dates in the date and date_end parameters in the workshop’s index.md file. As it turns out, you have to explicitly allow for future dates in the config.toml, otherwise you might get an error when building your site on Netlify. The fix was to add the following to my config.toml file:

buildFuture = true

I got this information from this GitHub issue: https://github.com/hugo-apero/hugo-apero/issues/82.

Step 17b. mainSections.

If you recall, the mainSections parameter controls which sections are highlighted in your About page. To highlight some of my new sections, my mainSections now includes the following:

  mainSections = ["blog", "workshop", "pubs"]  # default was ["blog", "project", "talk"]

Step 17c. Add a CV section.

In addition to all the cool primary sections in the /contenet/ folder, I also wanted a prominent way to show my CV in the menu bar. I forget where I picked up this trick, but if you go back to the [menu] section of the config.toml file, you can just manually add a section like this:

    name = "CV"
    title = "CV"
    url = "/cv/Kurz_CV.pdf"
    weight = 8

To make this work, I made a new /static/cv/ subfolder, into which I saved my current CV as Kurz_CV.pdf.

Step 17d. Speaking of [menu].

To arrange all my content areas in my menu bar, the [[menu.header]] blocks in the [menu] subsection of my config.toml file now look like this:

  # Configure header
    name = "About"
    title = "About"
    url = "/about/"
    weight = 1
    name = "Blog"
    title = "Blog"
    url = "/blog/"
    weight = 2
    name = "Pubs"
    title = "Pubs"
    url = "/pubs/"
    weight = 3
    name = "Books"
    title = "Books"
    url = "/book/"
    weight = 4
    name = "Workshops"
    title = "Workshops"
    url = "/workshop/"
    weight = 5
    name = "Courses"
    title = "Courses"
    url = "/course/"
    weight = 6
    name = "Support"
    title = "Support"
    url = "/support/"
    weight = 7
    name = "CV"
    title = "CV"
    url = "/cv/Kurz_CV.pdf"
    weight = 8

Step 18. Allow for comments

I don’t think it’s particularly well documented on the site at the moment1, but Hugo Apéro does allow for comments sections. I haven’t allowed for comments on my website before, so naturally I asked the good people of Twitter about their thoughts.

Overall, the response was encouraging. At the time of this writing, I believe the two officially supported ways to allow for comments were through either Disqus or utterances. However, several of the commenters recommended the newer giscus app, which isn’t fully supported by Hugo Apéro, but is clearly in the works (see this pull request). It turns out giscus has some very nice qualities, such as full Markdown and LaTeX support, so I decided to try that option. If you scroll though my post (start here), you’ll see I had some difficulty setting the whole thing up. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Make sure your GitHub repository is public.
  2. Enabling the Discussions feature on your repository.
  3. Add a “Comments” category on your Discussions page. You can do so by:
  • navigating to the Discussions page on your GitHub repo,
  • clicking the pencil icon beside the “Categories” header,
  • clicking on the green “New category” button,
  • typing in “Comments” in the “Title” field in the pop-up box, and
  • clicking the green “Create” button.
  1. Once you’re all set up with your Comments category, then install the giscus app.
  2. Once giscus is installed, scroll down to the Repository section at https://giscus.app/ and enter in the name of your GitHub repo in the text field. If all goes well in this step, you’ll see the words “Success! This repository meets all of the above criteria” pop up in green font just below the text field.
  3. Make your selection in the Page ↔️ Discussions Mapping section at https://giscus.app/. I just kept with the default “Discussion title contains page pathname” option.
  4. Scroll down to the next section, called Discussion Category. Using the drop down, select “Comments.” If you don’t see a “Comments” option there, go back step 3, above.
  5. Scroll down to the Features section and make your selection. I went with Enable reactions for the main post.
  6. Using the drop down, select your preferred theme. I went with Preferred color theme.
  7. Now, take note of the information in the Enable giscus section. You’re not going to copy and paste that script, exactly. But you’ll need that information in a bit.
  8. Within your root directory for your website, you’ll need to make a new layouts/partials/shared/ subfolder. In sobfolder, save a file called comments.html. Into that file, copy and paste the code from here.
  9. Now open your config.toml file.
  • Either comment out or delete the [params.utterances] subsection.
  • Copy and paste the following code in that area:
  # Specify use of utterances, giscus or disqus
  comments = "giscus"

  # Configuration of https://giscus.app/ for comments
    use_giscus = true
    repo = "ASKurz/blogdown5"
    repo_id = "R_kgDOInfFgA"
    category = "Comments"
    category_id = "DIC_kwDOInfFgM4CTFM3"
    mapping = "pathname"
    reactions_enabled = "1"
    emit_metadata = "0"
    theme = "preferred_color_scheme"
    lang = "en"
  • At the moment, these are all the settings for my website. When you do this, you’ll need to fill in the corresponding information from the Enable giscus section at https://giscus.app/, which we mentioned back in step 10. Pay particular attention to the repo_id and category_id parameters.
  1. Finally, try saving your comments.html and config.toml files, and then commit and push them to GitHub. If all went well, you should have working comments sections.

I should note I got extensive help from the great Michael McCarthy on this section.

Overall, I like the look and feel of the theme = "grayscale" set up, which we discussed [above][[params].]. However, the grey color of the main text seemed a little too light, and I wanted to highlight when there were hyperlinks. Hill documented a couple ways you can customize color themes here. I opted for the second approach, where you use your own HEX codes. Here were the steps:

  1. I opened the hex-colors.scss file, which had already been created by default in the assets folder within the root directory.
  2. I also opened the grayscale.scss file, which was in assets/themes.
  3. I copied the content in the grayscale.scss file and pasted it in the hex-colors.scss file, which meant the grayscale color theme would be the foundation of my custom theme.
  4. Based on grayscale, the setting for the $textColorCustom parameter was #666260, which controlled the font color for the text you would consider the “body” of most sections. Based on this web page, I found #524f4d was a darker version of that default, and I ended up setting $textColorCustom: #524f4d.
  5. A quick web serach led me to this stackoverflow discussion, where I learned #0000EE was a typical HEX color for blue hyperlinks. That color was too intense for my liking. However, on this page, I learned #6666f4 was a muted alternative on the same color scale. Thus I saved that value in my $bodyLinkColorCustom and $sidebarLinkColorCustom parameters. Thus, the contents of my hex-colors.scss file now reads:
// set custom hex colors 
$siteBgColorCustom: #ffffff;
$sidebarBgColorCustom: #F8F9FA;
$textColorCustom: #524f4d;
$sidebarTextColorCustom: #495057;

$headlineColorCustom: #343A40;
$headingColorCustom: #212529;

$bodyLinkColorCustom: #6666f4;
$navLinkColorCustom: #495057;
$sidebarLinkColorCustom: #6666f4;

$footerTextColorCustom: #6F777F;

$buttonTextColorCustom: #F8F9FA;
$buttonHoverTextColorCustom: #ffffff;
$buttonBgColorCustom: #404040;
$buttonHoverBgColorCustom: #121417;
$borderColorCustom: #DEE2E6;
  1. Back in the config.toml file, I set theme = "" and custom_theme = "hex-colors".

I don’t love everything about these changes, such as how the titles of my individual blog posts are now hyperlink blue when displayed on the top-level blog page ( https://solomonkurz.netlify.app/blog/), but overall the changes seem better to my eyes.


Bryan, J., the STAT 545 TAs, & Hester, J. (2020). Happy Git and GitHub for the useR. https://happygitwithr.com

R Core Team. (2022). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing. https://www.R-project.org/

Xie, Y., Dervieux, C., & Presmanes Hill, A. (2021). blogdown: Create blogs and websites with R Markdown [Manual]. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=blogdown

Xie, Y., Hill, A. P., & Thomas, A. (2017). blogdown: Creating websites with R markdown. Chapman and Hall/CRC. https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/

  1. I may have missed it, but I didn’t find any helpful information about comments when searching around on https://hugo-apero-docs.netlify.app/↩︎

Posted on:
December 19, 2022
25 minute read, 5206 words
blogdown hugo Netlify GitHub R tutorial
See Also:
Matching, missing data, a quasi-experiment, and causal inference--Oh my!
Causal inference with beta regression
Causal inference with change scores